Display Advertising

Top 7 Advantages of Display Advertising

Display Advertising is also known as banner advertising and it is a type of visual based online advertising that communicates the commercial message using the images, logos, animations, rich media, videos, and other graphical elements. Unlike the text ads, display ads found on websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. These display ads help promoting the brands whenever users are browsing the websites, watching YouTube videos, mobile devices and apps.

Advantages of Display Advertising:

While display ads typically have low click through rate (CTR) across all the platforms, but the effectiveness is not easily measured by the CTR alone in display ads. Also, if you consider other metrics, display ads are boosting the brand awareness and intent to purch ase the product and services.

If you are clear with what is display advertising in brief, here are the top 7 advantages of display advertising that will help you understand better.

  1. Measurable: Display advertising gives an option to measure the performance of an ad campaign at real time using the key metrics like impressions, frequency, CTR, etc. It has great option to optimize the performance according to the campaign goals quickly and multiple times during the campaign flight. Advertisers are also using the A/B testing to understand the effectiveness of display advertising campaign with different types of ads like, text, image, color, etc., to yield the maximum results.

  2. Segmentation: Affiliate networks allow advertisers target their ad campaigns with the wide ranges of options and it ensures that the advertiser reach the right audience in the targeted places. Advertisers usually monitor the ad campaigns closely to try to serve their ads on the relevant web pages to reach their targeted audience.

  3. Visual Impact: The display advertising banners are eye-catchy and visually appealing format to attract the users’ attention while browsing the web pages. The ad designers usually use the bright colors, attractive images, and bold text to design the ads and sometimes they use the video embedded in it as well to interact with the users.

  4. Cost Method: There are several methods of billing the ad campaigns to advertisers based on the agreement with the publisher. The major cost methods are Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM), Cost Per Click (CPC), Cost Per Action (CPA) and Flat Rate. This is one of the biggest advantage for the advertiser to choose on how they wanted to spend.

  5. Remarketing Campaigns: Display advertising is one of effective ways remarketing or retargeting the desired customers. The Remarketing ads are focusing on retaining the users who have already visited the advertiser’s web page but not purchased the product. The advertisers can target these users to provide offers to convert them in purchasing their products through remarketing campaigns.

  6. Contextual Targeting: This one the key contributors to consider when advertisers are planning to promote their products. Contextual targeting helps the advertisers to target their desired audience and it is easy to convert them to a successful sale instead of serving the ads on irrelevant content. The ads serving on the web pages which has relevant content increases the click through rate of the campaign with higher conversions.

  7. Mobile Friendly: Display advertising is mobile friendly and the ad serving technology scale the display ad to fit into the screen size that user is using. This will help the advertisers to reach the users who are using various devices instead of sticking it to bigger size screens.

Since display marketing is one of major types of online advertising, I would encourage you to understand the top 7 types of online advertising in this article.

Conclusion: There are various advantages in display advertising and advertiser may find various options offering by the publishers to promote the brands in an effective way. As technology evolves, display advertising is creating multiple opportunities for both the advertisers and publishers to engage their users by providing based the requirement.

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